Isaac Sim Installation
We use Isaac Sim to train our models. NVIDIA Isaac Simβ’, powered by Omniverseβ’, is a scalable robotics simulation application and synthetic data-generation tool that powers photorealistic, physically accurate virtual environments to develop, test, and manage AI-based robots.
Isaac Sim Setup
Setup AWS EC2 Instance
- Go to
region, as this image runs flawless in that region. - From the AWS Console, create a new EC2 Instance,
- Next, go to the Application and OS Images (Amazon Machine Image) section and search for NVIDIA Omniverse.
- Select the instance, the NVIDIA Omniverse recommends a
, with 8-core and 32gb Memory.
- Create a new KeyPair
- In the Network settings, click edit, and under the Inbound security groups rules, set the values as shown:
In the Configure storage section, set the Root volume size to 100GB or more.
Connect to EC2 Instance
- Now that the Instance is Launched, click on connect.
- On your desktop, go to the folder where the
created initially in downloaded, and make it executable by
chmod 400 keypair.pem
- In the same folder, open terminal and connect to the EC2 instace via SSH by
ssh -i "keypair.pem" ubuntu@<dns>
- This will connect your terminal to the AWS ec2 instance.
- Next, Pull the latest Isaac Sim container from the official
docker pull
and run it
docker run --name isaac-sim --entrypoint bash -it --gpus all -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --rm --network=host \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/ov:/root/.cache/ov:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/glcache:/root/.cache/nvidia/GLCache:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/computecache:/root/.nv/ComputeCache:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/logs:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/logs:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/config:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/config:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/data:/root/.local/share/ov/data:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/documents:/root/Documents:rw \
It is recommended to put the above docker run
command into a bash file, making it easy to launch the next time. Follow the below steps
touch isaac_sim_launch.bash
nano isaac_sim_launch.bash
docker run --name isaac-sim --entrypoint bash -it --gpus all -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" --rm --network=host \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/ov:/root/.cache/ov:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/pip:/root/.cache/pip:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/glcache:/root/.cache/nvidia/GLCache:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/cache/computecache:/root/.nv/ComputeCache:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/logs:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/logs:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/config:/root/.nvidia-omniverse/config:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/data:/root/.local/share/ov/data:rw \
-v ~/docker/isaac-sim/documents:/root/Documents:rw \
The docker image, once initiated will give you the following message:
Isaac Sim Headless Native App is loaded.
This message confirms that the docker image is up and running.
Setup Omniverse
Install launcher
- Download the Omniverse Launcher. This will download
, make it an executable by
chmod a+x /path/to/omniverse-launcher-linux.AppImage
- Then install a few dependencies
sudo apt-get install fuse
- Now launch the app
cd /path/to/omniverse-launcher-linux.AppImage
- This will first give a login screen, and then the app itself.
- Under the
tab, search and installOMNIVERSE STREAMING CLIENT
Setup Client
- Once installed click on launch, this will pop up a dialog box asking for
Server Address
. The server address is the address to the machine that is running theSSH Client
or to theAWS Instance
- Click on Connect, and this will launch your Isaac Sim Instance
Enabling ROS2 Bridge
In the streaming client, Go to
Window > Extensions
and search for ROS
and then enable ROS 2